A steady flow of sure fire floor fillers have been flowing from Paper Recordings of late with the likes of Daco and Kit Tacchini being the main eyebrow lifters for us. This time Paper Recordings does Disco and boy is this album a treat. The compilation features original productions from many disco edit heavy hitters and less well know names that we will be keeping a close eye on.
This is certainly the start of a great disco compilation series.
Paper’s output has often lurked on the fringes of disco and now seemed as good a time as any to jump in with both feet, goggles and snorkel.
“Trash The Wax Vol. 1” hits the digital racks on April 3 featuring 16 original low slung, wigged out and floor heavy cuts from the great, the good, the tapped and the untapped.
Released on Paper Disco (a sub label of Paper Recordings) it follows hot on the heels of the 80s sugar rush that was Proviant Audio’s “Drift Days & Disco Nights” which found its way in to the boxes of Tensnake, Soul Clap, Horsemeat Disco and Danny Krivit as well as garnering a Norwegian Emmy nomination for the best album of 2013.
Artists on Volume 1 range from young 80s bucks like 2 Billion Beats who are pretenders to Crazy P’s crown, Manchester’s City Life DJ of the 2013 and Wet Play resident Ste Spandex, Paper’s ginger underground house assassin Richard Seaborne and Italian duo Gran Turismo.
More seasoned support comes from veterans like bootleg king Keep Schtum, Brighton’s builder of heavy grooves Fingerman, Australia’s disco vigilante Late Nite Tuff Guy and Manchester’s best kept secret Daco. And that’s just the ones we mentioned!
Running from sleazy late night jams to 80s synth and NRG to classic cut-ups, if this album didn’t make you want to go out and jump off a podium it’s time to get your hearing checked!
Trash The Wax Vol. 1
1. Neil Diablo – Give It Up
2. 2 Billion Beats feat, Mariette Smith – See Us Through
3. Late Nite Tuff Guy – I’ve Been Thinkin’ Bout You
4. Richard Seaborne – Is This Acid?
5. Keep Schtum – Holding On
6. Chris Massey – Howard’s Hardware
7. Pablo & Shoey – Raw Human Emotion
8. Rubberlips feat. Jess Smethhurst – Inspiration
9. Gran Turismo – The Peach
10. Fingerman – Feel The Groove
11. Ste Spandex – Into Myself
12. Mezman – Dead Line
13. Check The Guns – Slave To Me
14. Daco – Something For The Weekend
15. Research – Shape The System (Bassjam Mix)
16. Leon Sweet – So Hot
Released : March 20, 2014
Format : Digital